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Brand Identity and Ownership

With the advancements in artificial intelligence, we have seen a surge in the number of tools to help you quickly and easily generate images either from scratch or from an existing sketch / line art drawing.

Most of these tools offer plans that allow you to use it immediately. This sounds great but comes with two key risks: (1) Intellectual Property / Ownership, and (2) Brand Identity / Style.

Any AI solution is based upon a concept called ‘training’ which is where you teach the AI tool how to understand by providing it information to learn from. If the AI model is taught using publicly available information (which is how most tools are trained), this means:

  • Images you generate could potentially be based upon your competitor’s product.
  • Images you generate will be generic and won’t adhere to your brand’s specific style and may not understand key style features


Some solutions do offer custom trained models to alleviate these concerns. The downside is that it is typically only offered in an ‘enterprise package’ and/or requires additional consulting fees not disclosed up front.

Straight Lines AI is focused on transparency in everything we do. As part of our standard offering, we include custom models trained on your data as part of the onboarding process at no additional cost. We also believe your data is your data – all images provided for, and generated in, is exclusive to you and will never be used as an input for training anything but your exclusively owned models